Tuesday, September 13, 2011

By the seat of my pants

We are doing a lot.  Accomplishing more than doing, more than worksheets.  Truly.  Alexandra and I have established a new and different trust base, thus we are beginning to see attributes of the other with new eyes.  Trust and respect are paramount among my goals so this makes my heart giggle a bit.  Alexandra loves to learn.  I just caught her up way past her bedtime, two hours past, copying all the words to one of her recent favorite books and quiet as a mouse.

As with most things in my life since children I can already feel that my plan is coming unraveled with my homeschool regime.  However, my understanding of our capacity and the material has developed exponentially more than the unraveling thus the 'flying by the seat of my pants' thing is going well.  More than that, I have found that there are things I can ask of her that buy time for me to plan so that the planning and schooling is happening within the same window... making this woman very happy.  Handwriting practice, some math and critical thinking worksheets, etc, prove overwhelmingly helpful.  A welcomed surprise.
On Monday, the critical thinking class with Alexandra's little buddy went well.  They were very giggly and Alexandra broke to tears in the beginning thinking that the other little one was stealing me away.  I assured Alexandra she held my whole heart and the friend was here for her.  She had trouble concentrating the first time but we completed a good amount of work and I think they will find their rhythm soon.  As planting season comes quickly upon us, I was thinking we may move out to the garden to plant, measure, graph and map new vegetables in our garden.  Maybe some fresh air will help us navigate the day better.  Helpers in my garden wouldn't be too bad either.

I have created an award system with star shaped post-its that are beginning to frame my white board.  Each time she exhibits extraordinary effort or progress, I record exactly why I'm so proud and display it on the board,  She glows with each one posted.

I should take pictures and post some.  Some time I will have a moment to work through how to make that happen.  I prefer blogs with pics... I wonder if I can send them from my phone?  Hmmm

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