Tomorrow is Alexandra's first day of Kindergarten!
Our schedule has changed, again. I finally did decide to join a local co-op for one "Learning through classical music" class, which my lovely neighbor will help teach. I have made an effort throughout my planning this summer to construct a rhythm with highlights throughout the week for her. This music class is Friday afternoons with some other little girlies we know. A fun end to her week.
As of this moment our plan is to have schooling four days per week; not Thursday and short reading lessons six days per week (she insists). Thursday will be field trip day, boys in tow. Wednesday afternoons at the children's museum for their home schooling program/activity. Gymnastics twice weekly and I am still searching for a convenient piano teacher. The timing of each day is the biggest variable right now, as I can't know how long it will take us to move through material until we do - or don't - as planned. It's a loose plan, a flexible framework. Tomorrow, we will work on the main curriculum and reading. Friday, I plan to do the first math lesson and Monday we will begin the critical thinking book. I have chosen "Beyond the Page" which is a hands-on unit study based system that integrates most subjects (except Math and Reading) into daily fluid discussions that are all organized within four big ideas: Environment, Similarities and Differences, Patterns and Change.
I have planned many surprises to make it extra special, hopefully memorable! We begin with the study of Habitats and Homes; her environment. The book has us mapping rooms in our house... I plan to really get into the discussion of vocab words as we decorate her doll house (unfinished wood) with wall paper, rugs and art. Dollie environment. What's not to love.
Good luck with the home schooling, I am sure you will be fantastic! So far I love your blog!